Flight Planning & Preparing a Navlog:
According to
FAR 91.103, pilots are required to become familiar
with information pertaining to the flight.
These required
actions can be remembered using the acronym
N: Notice to
Airman (NOTAMS) and Temporary Flight Restrictions
W: Weather
K: Known ATC
R: Runways
A: Alternate
plan of action (in case the flight cannot be
completed as planned)
F: Fuel requirements
T: Takeoff and
landing distances
Based on your
planning, you will be making a GO / NO-GO decision.
Always Start
with a Standard Briefing
1- overall synopsis
of the route
2- departure
-> en route -> destination reported weather
3- departure
-> en route -> destination forecast weather
4- winds/temp
5- icing and
freezing levels
6- NOTAMS and
advisories for airport/runway/taxiway closure,
navaids out, special airspace restrictions,
Review specific
airport information
Use an Airport
Diagram and Digital- Chart Supplement (d-CS)
(or similar reference airnav.com - Foreflight,
1- Runways and
2- Based on weather
forecasts, Determine probable crosswind conditions
at destination(s)
3- Noise abatement
4- FBOs
5- Services and
Prepare a Navlog
1 - Plotting
the True Course (TC)
your plotter - nautical miles vs. statue miles,
Use a chart and
a plotter to draw a straight line from departure
to destination
Generally the
most direct route is preferred but there are
many things to consider
- Airspace -
airspace transitions or avoidance, restricted
airspace,VFR corridors, etc.
- Terrain/Altitude
- TEFs/obstacles, minimum altitudes over rough
terrain and water, useful checkpoints/alternates,
- Airports -
runways,frequencies, traffic patterns, fuel
services,lighting, etc.
- Availability
of landmarks
- Method of navigation
(VORs, etc)
- Alternate airports
and possible diversions
- Emergency considerations
- Fuel/rest stops
and leg lengths
- Aircraft/pilot
Use a plotter
to determine TC for each leg (when applicable)
2 - Select Checkpoints
& Measure Distances
allow you to follow the progress of your flight
- Check points
should be unique enough to be identified
- Check points
should be large enough to be found
- Check points
can be off the route - you can identify when
- Check points
should be set approximately 10 NM apart
- A highlighter
can be used to help check points "stand
out"on the sectional
- Your first
checkpoint should be a visual "on-course"
- Your last checkpoint
should be the destination airport.
- Be aware of
landmarks that disappear (such as mountains
or dense foliage)
- Never rely
on just one landmark. A combination of two is
more reliable
- Study map for
big picture before picking landmarks
- Pick distinct
and unique landmarks (intersections next to
a river, next to a bridge)
3 - Determine
Magnetic Course
True North -
Where lines of longitude meet at the North Pole
Magnetic North
- Where the magnetic compass actually points
The difference
between the two is Magnetic Variation (or Variation),
and is represented by isogonic lines on sectional
- Isogonic lines
are points of equal variation, represented in
degrees east or west
- Memory
aide "east is least (minus), west is best
Magnetic Course
(MC) = True Course (TC) - East Variation
Magnetic Course
(MC) = True Course (TC) + West Variation
Magnetic Course
determines the proper VFR cruising altitude
(14 CFR § 91.159), for the direction of
4 - Select a
Suitable Altitude:
Consider the
- Terrain clearance
& water crossings
- Cloud bases
- Winds aloft
- pick an altitude which favors your route of
- Airspace avoidance
- VFR cruising
altitudes (see 14 CFR 91.159)
- Aircraft performance
- Distance of
leg - (ie - no need to climb too high if you
are going a short distance)
5 - Determine
True Airspeed
After you have
chosen your desired altitude, determine your
TAS using the appropriate chart in your POH.
- Compute Time & Headings
Using forecast
Winds Aloft, TC, and TAS, compute with an E6B:
Ground Speed
Wind Correction
Angles (WCA) & Headings
7 - Fuel requirements
Using GS and
distances will compute your times
Using the appropriate
chart in your POH, compute fuel burn based on
your times
8 - Determine
Compass Heading
Adjust for Deviation
Deviation is
found on a placard in the plane (often on the
9 - Complete
the right side of your Navlog
Enter Airport
Enter Important
Check Points
Ground Based
Airport Diagram
Pattern Entries
Fold the Navlog
properly and put in on your kneeboard
Summary of
Key Concepts:
Course - intended
path of an aircraft over the ground
Heading - direction
in which the nose of the aircraft points to
maintain the course
Track - actual
path made over the ground in flight
Drift angle -
angle between heading and track
WCA - correction
applied to the course to establish a heading
so that track coincides with course
Airspeed (TAS)
- rate of the aircrafts progress through
the air.
Ground Speed
(GS) - rate of the aircrafts progress
over the ground
Both of the following
formulas are acceptable depending on the Flight
Computer/System you are using.
Our Navlog conforms
more to the first formula, and so does the ASA
TC ± V
= MC ± WCA = MH ± D = CH
= TH ± V = MH ± D = CH
Planning is based
on what we believe will occur - It may be incorrect!
Adjustments and
calculations may need to be made in flight.
Navigation should
always be done from the chart to the landmarks
This means look
at your chart first and then at the ground for
your landmark
If done the other
way around you could find yourself staring at
your map looking for a landmark that may not
be charted
Expected services
available at an airport may not always be available.
You should call
FBOs ahead of departures
Cockpit Management
- have your sectional
folded properly
- note time of
takeoff for fuel planning