Pop quiz: When
does your flight end? At touchdown? When you
clear the runway? When you complete the engine
shutdown checklist? Or when you chock or tie
down the airplane?
A pilot receiving
flight following service from air traffic control
was instructed to contact the control tower
of an airport in Class D airspace but penetrated
the airspace before radio communication was
Lack of proper
sleep, diet, and money is often the reality
for busy student pilots who juggle everyday
life with flight training, which demands time
and the ability to make sound decisions....
The pilot of
a Cessna 152 who was practicing a soft-field
takeoff discovered that the aircraft's flaps
wouldn't retract during climbout. How would
you handle this situation?
Flying under
visual flight rules (VFR) into instrument meteorological
conditions (IMC) should be an obvious trap to
avoid, yet every year noninstrument- and instrument-rated
pilots fall into it