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Private Pilot Syllabus
Less than 5 hours  More than 5 hours  Nearing Solo  After First Solo  Nearing Checkride  Ground School

Students with less than 5 hours:

Any Questions...
Call 631-807-1373


Slow Flight - ACS
 Theory - In the Plane - Common Errors - ACS

  ACS - Airman Certification Standards

This is what you will be judged on during your FAA Flight Check - "Checkride."
The goal of the airman certification process is to ensure the applicant possesses the knowledge, ability to manage risks, and skill consistent with the privileges of the certificate or rating being exercised, in order to act as Pilot in Command (PIC).

min alt. 1500'
altitude ±100'
heading ± 10°
airspeed +10 / -0
bank ±10°
Notable Recent Changes:
"Establish and maintain an airspeed at which any further increase in angle of attack, increase in load factor, or reduction in power, would result in a stall warning (e.g., airplane buffet, stall horn, etc.)."

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