If the crab method of drift correction
is used throughout the final approach and round out,
the crab must be removed the instant before touchdown
by applying rudder to align the airplane's longitudinal
axis with its direction of movement. This requires
timely and accurate action.
Failure to accomplish this results in severe side
loads being imposed on the landing gear.
If the wing-low method is used, the crosswind correction
(aileron into the wind and opposite rudder) is maintained
throughout the round out, and the touchdown made on
the upwind main wheel. During gusty or high wind conditions,
prompt adjustments must be made in the crosswind correction
to assure that the airplane does not drift as the
airplane touches down. As the forward momentum decreases
after initial contact, the weight of the airplane
causes the downwind main wheel to gradually settle
onto the runway.
In those airplanes having nose-wheel steering interconnected
with the rudder, the nose wheel is not aligned with
the runway as the wheels touch down because opposite
rudder is being held in the crosswind correction.
To prevent swerving in the direction the nose wheel
is offset, the corrective rudder pressure must be
promptly relaxed just as the nose wheel touches down.