Common errors
in the performance of intentional stalls are:
Failure to adequately
clear the area
on the airspeed indicator and slip-skid indicator
while excluding other cues
Inadvertent accelerated
stall by pulling too fast on the controls during
a power-off or power on stall entry
Inability to
recognize an impending stall condition
Failure to take
timely action to prevent a full stall during
the conduct of impending stalls
Failure to maintain
a constant bank angle during turning stalls
Failure to maintain
proper coordination with the rudder throughout
the stall and recovery
Recovering before
reaching the critical AOA when practicing the
full stall maneuver
Not disconnecting
the wing leveler or autopilot, if equipped,
prior to reducing AOA
Recovery is attempted
without recognizing the importance of pitch
control and AOA
Not maintaining
a nose down control input until the stall warning
is eliminated
Pilot attempts
to level the wings before reducing AOA
Pilot attempts
to recover with power before reducing AOA
Failure to roll
wings level after AOA reduction and stall warning
is eliminated
Inadvertent secondary
stall during recovery
Excessive forward-elevator
pressure during recovery resulting in low or
negative G load
Excessive airspeed
buildup during recovery
Losing situational
awareness and failing to return to desired flightpath
or follow ATC instructions after recovery.