Questions about Flying Lessons?
Call 631-807-1373
Student Pilot Tools and Resources:
As you begin your flight training, you will
soon become aware that there is a great deal of new information
that you will need to understand in order to become a pilot.
We have tried to organize the information on this page in a
timeline that replicates the overall flight training process.
Obviously, you don't need to know everything
on your first day, but having an outline of what is to come
helps to prevent your training from becoming overwhelming!
We have developed quite a few in-house manuals that we are very
proud of!
Our manuals are specifically geared towards our training aircraft
and for people learning to fly out of Long Island's MacArthur
airport! Be sure to get your copy from your flight instructor...
they will greatly help you throughout your flight training.
The following are available FREE only to enrolled students!
VFR Communications Manual
- Communicating on the radio can often be very intimidating
for a student pilot! This manual will guide you through
the process, and explain the when, the why, and the what
to expect of radio communications. |
Maneuvers Manual - The FAA has clearly established
a set a maneuvers and tasks that must be performed in
order to pass your Flight Check and earn your Pilot Certificate.
We have prepared a step-by-step guide of these procedures
and detailed descriptions of how to most efficiently practice
them. Study this, and you will ace your check ride in
no time! |
Pre-solo Written Exam - Prior to solo flight, everyone
must complete a pre-solo written exam. Ours not only covers
the basics that every pilot should know, but also incorporates
many aspects specific to our training aircraft and our
home airport! After you have completed this exam, you
will have the knowledge needed to safely solo the airplane!
Other FREE Aviation Publications - There are many
Free Aviation Books available
for download on our site. They work in conjunction
with our Flight Training Syllabus! |
Start to Get Familiar
with Your Airplane and Airport!
Every flight lesson is in the airplane. The sooner you
are able to find your way around the cockpit, the more productive
you lessons will be! |
CHECKLISTS - be sure to study and understand
your pre-flight checklists and in-flight checklists
- Pre-Flight
- In-Flight
... |
to do a Pre-flight Inspection - Cessna 172 - This will help you
remember how to perform a thorough pre-flight check.
You can also download
a PDF guide with color pictures, explaining in more detail what
you are inspecting!
... |
Airport Diagram - Know your local airport runways and taxiways!
... |
Stack - You can have a close up look at each component in each
plane and become familiar with how to operate them. The quicker you
can find the information inside the plane that you need, the easier
it will be to control the aircraft! Be sure to use this in conjunction
with your VFR Communications Manual.
... |
Traffic Pattern - This should be committed to memory! You must
know every step and be able to draw it out in order to be able to
do it in the plane!
... |
- Listen to live Air Traffic Control on your computer, tablet or phone!
You may even hear your instructor!
... |
If you haven't already gotten a copy
of the pre-solo exam, get one!
... |
Online Tutorials - Develop Situational
Moving beyond straight and
level flight and turns, you will begin working on landings! |
Pattern Entries - This tool will help new pilots visualize how
to enter the traffic pattern when you return to your home airport
as well as when you go to other local airports.
... |
VORs are helpful in many ways for navigation
and situational awareness!
to Set up Your GNS 430
... |
Moving on to Navigation and Flight
Planning |
Island Flying - Navigation Log (pdf 19 kb) - We have developed
our own Navigation Log.
... |
Chapter 5 of your POH -
PERFORMANCE (see above) - will become very important during this phase
of your training!
... |
Chapter 6 of your POH - Weight &
Balance - will become very important during this phase of your training!
Weight & Balance information - N1560E
(pdf 256 kb)
Weight & Balance information - N734QZ
(pdf 256 kb)
Weight & Balance information - N733YT
(pdf 256 kb)
... |
Links to Important Flight Planning Websites:
- Airport Information, Fuel Prices, IFR Approach Plates, etc.
- Check for Temporary Flight Restrictions
online - The A/FD (old green book) is now called Digital - Chart
Supplement (d-CS)
... |
Links to Aviation Weather sites:
Aviation Digital Data Service (ADDS) -
Area TAFs
Area Radar
Area NEXRAD Radar
- 10-day forecast for central Long Island
... |
All Airplane
Courses We Offer:
Feel free to give us a call anytime so we may answer any of your
Call 631-807-1373... ask to speak with Ben or David