We are always
looking for highly motivated CFIs who are passionate
about instructing and flying!!
We welcome newly certified instructors (full-time
and part-time), and do not require you to have
advanced instructor ratings prior to starting.
We will help you become the expert instructor
every student pilot deserves.
Our top instructors typically schedule 20-25 flights
per week.
We offer a very competitive starting wage compared
to other flight training operations in the area.
We have been providing an enjoyable, flexible,
and safe environment for both CFIs and students
for Over 17 years with a perfect safety record!
We maintain strong relationships
with our former instructors. Many of them are
now flying for the airlines and/or charter operations
- so when you are ready to move on, they will
be more than happy to walk in your resume.
Long Island MacArthur airport (KISP), is a great
place to instruct and guide student pilots! We
are located very close to some of the busiest
airspace in the world. If you can fly here, you
can fly anywhere - sure to look impressive on
your future resume!
you have time, give us a call
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Please Leave a Message!!
now is not a good time to call,
This could be your new office!

Come Join Us!
