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Private Pilot Syllabus
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After Your First Solo:
     Simulated IFR - Cross-Country Flying - Night Flying - Maneuvers - Online Articles

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Online Articles:
   (updated May 19, 2023)

Other Topics:
Training Tip: Until the job is done
Pop quiz: When does your flight end? At touchdown? When you clear the runway? When you complete the engine shutdown checklist? Or when you chock or tie down the airplane?

Training Tip: In a class by itself
A pilot receiving flight following service from air traffic control was instructed to contact the control tower of an airport in Class D airspace but penetrated the airspace before radio communication was established.
This article talks about how pilots can get overloaded and how to handle these situations when they arrive.

Training and Safety Tip: To your health
Lack of proper sleep, diet, and money is often the reality for busy student pilots who juggle everyday life with flight training, which demands time and the ability to make sound decisions....
The pilot of a Cessna 152 who was practicing a soft-field takeoff discovered that the aircraft's flaps wouldn't retract during climbout. How would you handle this situation?

Training and Safety Tip: Escaping the VFR-into-IMC trap
Flying under visual flight rules (VFR) into instrument meteorological conditions (IMC) should be an obvious trap to avoid, yet every year noninstrument- and instrument-rated pilots fall into it

Short-Field Landings:


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