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 Cost of Flying Lessons

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Average Cost per Lesson

The short version...
Based on our current instructor and airplane rental rates, a typical flying lesson will cost between $290 - $350 per lesson.
The cost will vary depending upon how much time the airplane is actually used during the lesson.

The long version...
Flying lessons are based on a 2-hr block of time, so the cost for the instructor's time will be $100 per lesson.
Billing out flight instruction like this allows for crucial flight briefings, both before and after each flying lesson.
Pre-Flight Briefing - Before we head out to the airplane, we want to establish goals for the flight lesson and to make sure you know what we are going to accomplish.
Post-Flight Briefing - After every flying lesson, we need time to discuss your performance during the flight and to help you know what to prepare for your next lesson.
During your 2-hour flight lesson, you only pay for the airplane while you are actually using the airplane.
There is a timer in the airplane called a "hobbs" meter, which is used to keep track of and bill the time airplane is used.
Airplane time during typical flying lesson ranges between 1.1 - 1.4 hours.
Example 1* - If the airplane is used for 1.1 hours during your 2-hour lesson, the Total Cost of that lesson would be $294.90:
 - for the airplane
 - for the instructor
  - fee charged by the airport

Example 2* - If the airplane is used for 1.4 hours during your 2-hour lesson, the Total Cost of that lesson would be $346.80:
 - for the airplane
 - for the instructor
  - fee charged by the airport

 * The examples above are based on an aircraft rental rate of $173/hr and a fuel price of $7.00/gallon. These examples do not include the fluctuating fuel surcharge that we implemented in March of 2022, when prices spiked nearly $2.50/gallon (raising the operating cost to fly our airplanes nearly $18/hr).

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